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I am Dr. Abdullah Al Mehedi, Postdoctoral Research Associate, With a background in Hydroinformatics and Water Management, I am keenly interested in applying big data and machine learning techniques to surface water hydrology for water resource management under climate change. Having worked on multiple projects, I am determined to leverage cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data-driven methods for mitigating flood risks in urban areas.

My current research focuses on developing an optimal surface water dynamics analysis approach in the built environment. Using a combination of physics-based theory and data-informed techniques, I aim to identify the potential of artificial intelligence in predicting surface water hydrology at different scales. Additionally, I plan to explore the benefits of using data-informed predictive models to control and maintain green stormwater infrastructure's function effectively. Alongside my academic experience, I have worked as a researcher and project coordinator for multiple engineering consultancy firms in Bangladesh. I have also earned the National Water Center Innovators Program Fellowship in 2022. With my interdisciplinary skills and experience, I strive to make a positive impact on water resource management and environmental sustainability.

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Villanova University, PA, USA

  • Ph.D., Data-Driven Solutions for Urban Hydrology

  • Concentration: Machine Learning, Urban Hydrology, Remote Sensing.

Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany

  • MSc, Environmental and Resource Management

  • Concentration: Hydroinformatics and Water Management

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

  • BSc, Civil Engineering

  • Thesis: Effect of water content on shear strength of soil with high clay content from Dhaka.

Awards, Scholarships and Grants

  • National Water Center (NWC) Innovators Program Fellow 2022

  • Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH) Annual Training and Developers Conference Travel Grant 2023​

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